Cut The Clutter

If you’re planning on selling your property then this is a MUST. A cluttered home can easily detract potential buyers; you want to display your home so that it is visually attractive to the eye and creates a sense of space…not a chaotic mess.

Self Storage Could Be The Answer

We are all culprits when it comes to hording items for many reasons.

Common excuses being:-

“It’ll fit again one day”

“I spent too much money on this to throw away”

“It’s my paperwork pile ~ I know where everything is” (mind you there are 5 piles floating around the house that when you finally look through them you often say “ah, that’s where it was”)


It’s natural to cringe at the thought of cleaning out cupboards, bench spaces, desks, etc. but the feeling afterwards is a mix of pride and accomplishment whereas when we are “knee-deep” in chaotic mess it can make you feel unorganised, self-conscious to have company over or guilt that you’ve let it get so far out of control.





Your first step forward is to start with one pile, one area or one cupboard. That sense of lightness and achievement afterwards will help start the process for other problem areas.



Imagine what a room could look like without clutter. How functional your home office would be without a flood of paperwork everywhere. Walking into a room where everything has a home. Visualise how that would feel.



Rather than leaving paperwork, dirty washing, shoes, toys, etc. lying about in open spaces try to find a place for these items to belong. In specific drawers, a filing cabinet, washing drawers or baskets or shoe racks. There are so many retailers these days that offer storage solutions at affordable prices with a variety of products to accommodate large to small living areas. Keep items out of sight – visually your home will appear clearer, open and will remove that overwhelming feeling of clutter.


Clothes. If you haven’t worn something for 3 or more years then it’s time to consider saying your goodbyes. If you have a sentimental item by all means keep that to the side but as for the 5 pairs of tattered jeans, 10 unworn tops, 3 out of shape and faded jumpers or anything that doesn’t fit or compliment your shape cut your ties now. Hand them over to a charity, people in need or simply bin them.


Good luck on your journey to cut the clutter!




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February 27, 2024

Cut The Clutter